Wednesday, February 23, 2011

page 46 lines 1-6 and 7-15

Near the baths was a temple built by the Romans. In front of the temple sat King Cogidubnus with many chiefs and slaves. Quintus was standing near the king's chair. The king and the chiefs were guarded by a band of soldiers. Near the temple was altars which faced them. Memor, wearing a toga with a purple sash, was standing near the altars.

Two priests,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I don't have my Latin textbook..

I don't have my textbook because I left it in my locker. I usually forget it in there probably because my locker is such a mess that I don't see it when I get my other binders and books. During lunch, I put away everything I used during the first four periods and then I replace it with the stuff for the rest of the day. But I don't actually think much about what I need, its just a habit to put the right things in there.
I haven't made it a habit to put in my Latin textbook because I hadn't started doing that when I started putting in my other classes' supplies. The other thing is the Latin textbook is the smallest one I have so it gets pushed to the back of my locker to where I can't see it.
I am not very organized at all no matter how hard my parents push me to be but I am cleaning my locker so hopefully I can organize in a way that makes my Latin textbook visible for me to see everyday at lunch.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pros and Cons of Being Respectful and Well-Mannered

There are several pros to being respectful and well-mannered. Being respectful can improve a person's relationships with all kinds of people. Being respectful to yourself is as important as being respectful to others because most likely, a person who is disrespectful to themselves is also going to be disrespectful to others. Being well-mannered can make others automatically assume that a person is intelligent and well-educated. Being well-mannered puts people on their good sides. When a person respects others, they immediately feel the need to respect that person. A respectful and well-mannered person is also easier to trust and become friends with. Respectful and well-mannered people are more mature than others and therefore have a greater chance at succeeding in jobs and other places.

There aren't many cons to being respectful and well-mannered, but the main one is that those who are disrespectful and ill-mannered could take advantage of the respectful and well-mannered people. The disrespectful know that the respectful will remain respectful no matter what, so they take advantage of them. Other than this, there aren't any other cons of being respectful and well-mannered.