Monday, January 10, 2011

Marcus Aquila Biography

Marcus Flavius Aquila lived with his mother on a farm near Clusium while his father was a soldier in Judaea, Egypt, and Britain. His father never returned from battle and when he was ten, his mother died. This left Marcus living with his aunt and uncle who was an official. He and Marcus had several differences and disliked each other so much that as soon as Marcus turned eighteen, he applied for a centurion's commission so he could get out of their house. He asks to be sent to Britain where he is then stationed at Isca Dumnoniorum. Where the story begins, Marcus is on a hunt with Cradoc. Marcus asks Cradoc to try out his team of ponies but Cradoc has his doubts about Marcus' skills as a charioteer. So Marcus decides to trade his fibula for a hunting spear if he is able to handle the horses. He proves himself a charioteer and chooses a spear from Cradoc.

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