Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Page 43 Word Study

1. minimus--maximus
2. hostis--amicus
3. caelum--terra
4. tutus--periculosus
5. dissentio--consentio

1. deception--the act of deceiving
2. quantification--the act of counting
3. verbalization--the act of putting into words
4. imprecation--the act of  cursing
5. retardation--the act of slowing down
6. admonition--the act of warning

1. Parsimonious (parsus)-frugal
2. Minimize (minimus)-to reduce to the smallest possible amount
3. Inevitability (inevitabilis)-unable to be avoided
4. Amorous (amo)-showing or expressing love
5. Dire (dirus)-dreadful
6. Ingress (ingressus)-the act of going in or entering
7. Tutelary (tutela)-having the position of guardian or protector of a person, place, or thing
8. Celestial (caelum)-pertaining to the sky or visible heaven
9. Hostility (hostilis)-unfriendliness
10. Adept (apisci)-very skilled

1. dissentire: dissent-to differ in opinion, dissenting-the act of disagreeing 
2. eligere: eligible-qualified to be chosen, eligibility-the state of being able to be chosen
3. incipere: incept-to take in, incite-to provoke and urge on 

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